Our name is derived from the concept of Raki Tukutuku. According to our Ngāi Tahu creation traditions the heavens were woven and bound together like the tukutuku panels of a marae. Our future making work often involves unweaving and unlearning old ways first, to loosen the bindings so that change and growth can emerge. Once new horizons are set then the task is to reweave the bindings so that the tokotoko are tightly connected and supporting one another – kia tukutuku anō ai te Raki.
about us
Behind the scenes at Tokona Te Raki there are three key pieces of infrastructure that make the work of social innovation possible: having the right physical space, having the right mix of people, and having the right process to guide our work.
Tokona te Raki is an indigenous social innovation agency hosted under the mana of Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu and operating in partnership with The University of Canterbury.

A Space for Māori Future-Making
This is the physical space we use for workshops and training, and for creating and refining the framework itself. Without this spacious and adaptive environment we could not do the work of Te Korekoreka.
Transformation requires collaboration, thinking together, hosting diverse groups, rapid prototyping, and a special kind of space where it is safe to experiment, innovate, and ‘fail forward’.
If you are interested in working with Te Korekoreka, or would like support to develop your own kawa for indigenous future making, please contact Tokona Te Raki directly using the form below or email tokonateraki@ngaitahu.iwi.nz

Thank you to our Tokona Te Raki rangatahi that brought this project to life.

Hinepounamu Apanui-Barr

Awhioraki Goodall

Te Matau Flanagan

Alice Dimond

Dr Eruera Tarena

Dr Hana O’Regan
Dr Hana O'Regan
Charisma Rangipunga
Che Wilson
Ariki Creative
Antony and Mates
NEXT Foundation

Māori Future Makers
Tokona Te Raki is a small team of future makers who are committed to supporting iwi, hapū, and whānau rakatirataka in the Ngāi Tahu takiwā.
In taking up this challenge we’ve chosen to avoid high cost, high intensity programmes that need to be maintained year after year, and that require larger and larger teams and more and more resources in order to achieve greater impact.
Instead, we work through our relationships and work with our partners to amplify the connection and the impact that your team and your organisations are creating. We want to scale deep, and scale out, not scale up.

A Guide for Māori Future-Making
Te Korekoreka is our own unique Ngāi Tahu kawa for Māori future making. We are constantly amazed by the wisdom of our tūpuna, their ability to pass this mātauraka on to us through karakia like “Kei a te pō”, and how generative this ancient and new way of working is.
We are committed to continuing to develop this kawa on behalf of Kāi Tahu.